Take Charge Early With CMAR Delivery Method

Take Charge Early With CMAR Delivery Method

Take Charge Early With CMAR Delivery Method

In the fast-paced world of construction projects, effective project delivery methods can make all the difference between success and setbacks. Among the various approaches, Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) has emerged as a proactive and collaborative method that empowers stakeholders to take charge early in the construction process.

Understanding CMAR:

Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) is a project delivery method that involves the collaboration of the owner, architect, and construction manager (CM) from the project’s early stages. Unlike traditional methods where the construction manager is brought in after the design phase, CMAR engages the construction manager during the pre-construction phase. This early involvement fosters a sense of ownership and accountability among all stakeholders.

Early Collaboration:

One of the key advantages of CMAR is the early collaboration it promotes. By involving the construction manager during the design phase, potential issues and challenges can be identified and addressed before construction begins. This collaborative approach allows for a more seamless transition from design to construction, minimizing delays and change orders.

Early collaboration also enables the construction manager to provide valuable input on constructability, cost estimation, and scheduling. This proactive involvement fosters a sense of teamwork among the project team, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals.

Risk Management:

The “at risk” component of CMAR signifies that the construction manager assumes a certain level of risk for the project. This risk-sharing model encourages the construction manager to be more invested in the project’s success. By taking on responsibilities such as cost estimating, project scheduling, and subcontractor selection, the construction manager becomes a partner in managing and mitigating risks.

With risk management at the forefront, CMAR allows for a more transparent and collaborative decision-making process. The construction manager’s early involvement provides an opportunity to assess potential risks and devise strategies to mitigate them. This proactive risk management approach enhances project predictability and minimizes the likelihood of costly surprises during construction.

Cost Control and Budget Certainty:

CMAR provides a level of cost control and budget certainty that is often challenging to achieve with traditional project delivery methods. The construction manager’s involvement in cost estimating from the early stages allows for more accurate budget projections. This upfront knowledge of costs enables the owner to make informed decisions about the project scope and design without the fear of unforeseen budget overruns.

Furthermore, the construction manager’s ability to solicit competitive bids from subcontractors early in the process helps in achieving better pricing. This competitive bidding process, coupled with the construction manager’s expertise, contributes to cost savings and ensures that the project stays within budget.

Time Savings and Efficiency:

By engaging the construction manager early in the project, CMAR significantly reduces the likelihood of delays. Early collaboration and proactive risk management contribute to a smoother construction process. Potential design issues are identified and addressed before construction starts, minimizing the need for costly and time-consuming changes during the build.

The construction manager’s involvement in scheduling and coordination ensures that the project progresses efficiently. With a streamlined communication channel and a well-coordinated team, CMAR enhances project delivery timelines, allowing owners to see their vision come to life sooner.


In the dynamic landscape of construction, taking charge early is paramount for project success. The CMAR delivery method empowers owners, architects, and construction managers to collaborate from the project’s inception, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and accountability. The early involvement of the construction manager in risk management, cost control, and scheduling sets the stage for a smoother construction process, ultimately leading to successful and timely project completion. As the construction industry continues to evolve, embracing innovative project delivery methods like CMAR is a strategic step towards achieving excellence in construction projects.

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